Passive exercise
rehabilitation on toning beds
We offer 6 isokinetic tables, each capable of moving isolated muscle groups through a range of motions and requires as much effort as wanted by the user.

Maximum load
Number of beds
A new way to stretch body
Toning tables are manufactured to do the regular day to day stretching exercise which we are not doing in natural course. While the Toning table goes through its motion, you perform isometric exercises to gain the most benefit of toning table. Isometric exercises are performed by tightening a specific muscle and holding it, or moving very slightly. Toning table assist you by providing a little more intensity to the isometric move. Toning table is also very effective in weight loss and fat reduction.

Slimming the entire
body figure
The beds are designed to make mainly impact on the areas of the body, where fatty tissue is accumulate. Their structure and movements lead to a slimming of the entire figure, especially the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks and arms.

One session can be compared to 7 hours of exercise in a gym
Strengthen muscles, improve
mobility and joint flexibility
Exercises on Activ Motion toning beds strengthen these muscles and improve the mobility and flexibility of joints. They are also offered to people suffering from osteoporosis, postpartum women, asthmatics, and people with cardiovascular problems. Activ Motion beds do not accelerate the work of the heart muscle, do not cause shortness of breath or increase pressure. They help people with impaired water management. Additionally, they have therapeutic importance as they stimulate blood circulation. Patients feel relaxed and refreshed after each exercise cycle. Joint and spine pains disappear.

Benefits of exercising on
Disease entities for which the bed system may be treated:
The Activ Motion Bed
set consists of
Sandbag Table
Shaping the silhouette of the hipsand buttocks.
The Sandbag Machine utilizes two pads that move back and forth across the buttocks to firm and tone, and at the same time strengthen the abdominal muscles. As the buttocks is exercised, the cellulite is broken down and dissolved. (Cellulite is fat and water trapped under the skin resulting in a bumpy, dimply skin texture.) The gentle rhythmic action of the machine breaks down the cellulite giving a firm, smooth tone to the skin. The sandbag applies weight to the abdomen, helping the machine to work more effectively on the hips.
By resisting tension, we work on the buttock muscles and the straight abdominals. Light, rhythmic massage movements help to relax and strengthen the muscles around the sacral spine, burning fat in the hips, buttocks and thighs.
Leg Table
Shaping the silhouette of the legs.
The Leg Machine allows concentration on particular areas of the legs. There are three separate but contiguous pulling movements involved.
– The legs are moved inward using
the Inner thigh muscles.
– The legs are moved toward the body
using all the thigh muscles.
– The legs are moved out and away
using the outer thigh muscles.
The knees are kept slightly bent. No pushing or resistive movement is involved. This machine reduces inches, firms and tones the entire leg area while concentrating on reducing the inner thigh, the knee area, and “saddlebag” area on the outer thigh.
Exercises to imitate walking. By performing circular movements, the thigh adductors and abduction muscles, as well as the triceps and quadriceps muscles of the thigh are exercised. The hip and knee joints are also unlocked and strengthened. Exercises on this bed slim down the legs, especially the inner and outer sides of the thighs, regulate blood circulation in the lower limbs, stimulate circulation in the lower abdomen, which has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle and the urinary system. These types of movements are used in fitness.
Sit up Table
Shaping the silhouette of the abdomen, thighs and calves
The exercises are performed on the “sit and lie down” principle. The muscles of the waist and abdomen are tense and relaxed in this exercise. The muscles that work primarily include the external oblique abdomen, the internal oblique abdomen and the transverse abdominal oblique. Thanks to this, fatty tissue is burned mainly in their vicinity. The lower back is also strengthened.
Waist, Tummy,
Hip Table
Shaping the silhouette of the lower back, buttocks and thighs.
The Waist-Tummy-Hip Machine alternately raises and lowers the legs 650 times during a normal 10-minute treatment. As this occurs, the waist is gently twisted. The simultaneous action firms, tones and reduces the waist, tummy and hips. This machine combines the waist-twisting movement with the leg lifting movement. This exercise movement rapidly sheds inches from the waist, tummy and hips while it strengthens the muscles in the lower back. The result is a tight butt, stronger legs, and more flexibility.
The person exercising lightly and rhythmically raises and lowers the legs. It burns fat tissue around the waist, reduces the circumference of the waist and hips, reduces cellulite and firms the buttocks. The lower back is strengthened.
Stretch table
Shaping the silhouette of the lower back, buttocks and thighs.
The Stretch Machine has an upper body pad which moves in a superior and inferior direction. The patient lies supine with scapulas on a single moving pad. Upper extremities are extended with hands tapping the bar located at the bead of the machine, as the pad moves. Upper back extension is increased. An additional benefit is an increase of abdominal, trunk and cervical mobility.e lower back. The result is a tight butt, stronger legs, and more flexibility.
The bed massages the upper part of the body, including the cervical spine, hip spine and shoulder blades, causing, among other things, their loosening. It has a very positive effect on the curvature of the hips and loins. It strengthens and shapes the chest, improves the firmness of the breasts, strengthens the abdominal muscles as well as firms and slims the arms. Exercises using this bed prevent ugly dropping of the shoulders by strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and chest. Backaches caused by one-sided load are also effectively eliminated.
Relax table
Pleasant relaxation, improves blood circulation.
The Vibrator Machine creates a vibrating action that gently massages the entire body. The prime functions are to help increase blood circulation, rid the body of excess water and help dissolve cellulite. The movement of the machine is soothing and relaxing and creates an energetic and refreshed feeling.
Exercises on it are recommended,
among others in rheumatoid
arthritis, diabetes, hypertension or
hypotension, overweight,
degenerative diseases of the spine,
osteoporosis, complications after
diseases of the urinary tract,
injuries of the spine and spinal
cord, discopathy, degenerative
diseases of the hips and knees,
multiple sclerosis and other
musculoskeletal disorders. They also
have a prophylactic and preventive